Ovarian Lifecycle

Normal Events

Ovulation Detection

Ovulation Dysfunction

Clinical Evaluation

Treatment Options

A Patient Reviews her Experience
with Dr Eric Daiter.

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How Can I help You?

Dr Eric Daiter has successfully served thousands of patients with ovulation problems over the past 20 years. If you have questions, or you are simply not getting the care that you need, Dr Eric Daiter would like to help you at his office in Edison, New Jersey or over the telephone. It is easy, just call us at 908 226 0250 to set up an appointment (leave a message with your name and number if we are unable to get to the phone and someone will call you back).


"I always try to be available for my patients since I do understand the pain and frustration associated with reproductive problems or endometriosis."


"I understand that the economy is very tough and insurance companies do not cover a lot of the services that might help you. I always try to minimize your out of pocket cost while encouraging the most successful and effective treatments available."

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A female enters the "reproductive years" at puberty. Puberty (female) can be "functionally defined" as a series of developmental changes that result in the ability to reproduce sexually (become pregnant). The single event that is most characteristic of female puberty is the onset of ovulation (release of "fertilization capable" eggs).

Immediately following birth, a female’s reproductive system (hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis) is fully functional. Shortly thereafter, this "system" is suppressed (shut down) and normally continues to be inoperative throughout most of childhood. At puberty, there is a restoration of activity in the reproductive axis and the female begins to ovulate.

The physical changes that take place during the "pubertal years" are predominantly thought to be a result of shifts in the hormone concentrations that occur during this time period. As estrogen increases due to enhanced production by the ovary, (1) skeletal growth (the growth spurt) begins, which is subsequently accelerated by an increase in growth hormone (GH, due to elevated estrogen) and insulin like growth factor - 1 (IGF-1, due to increased GH); (2) breasts initially "bud" and then develop fully; and (3) vaginal and uterine growth takes place. Androgenic hormone concentrations also increase, predominantly through enhanced production by the adrenal glands, which then result in the growth of pubic and axillary (arm pit) hair.

On occasion, a girl will undergo pubertal changes earlier than normal. If puberty occurs prior to 8 years of age in the USA (which is 2.5 (two and a half) standard deviations below the mean age of puberty within the United States) this is referred to as "precocious puberty." A medical evaluation of girls undergoing precocious puberty should be considered (is important) for a variety of reasons. Initially, medically harmful abnormalities leading to this condition should be excluded (or identified and treated as early as possible). Socially, these girls may be the subjects of abuse (either sexually by adults or socially by classmates) so that arresting (or minimizing) these physical changes is important when possible. Girls undergoing precocious puberty without treatment also initiate, undergo, and conclude their growth spurt at an early age, which initially results in them being the "tallest girl in the class" but ultimately results in (overall) stunted growth (very short adults).

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